[SWLUG] Stealing windows from my desktop

Foeh Mannay foeh.mannay at ntlworld.com
Mon Apr 28 18:16:28 UTC 2003


I don't know if this is a really stupid question, but:

Sometimes I'm chatting on the net and I need to go into (say) the kitchen. 
Usually I wander off with my laptop and open another chat there, but that's a 
pain - especially if I then open up an MSN / AIM client, because the desktop 
and the laptop get into login wars, constantly logging each other out by 
signing in from another location.

Also I'm just curious.

Is it possible using one machine (running Linux) to log into another machine 
(also running Linux) and to hijack windows from its desktop, then return them 
when finished?

Any ideas on how do do this very welcome, preferably not including hard work 
like writing remote control plugins for xchat & gaim :o)


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