[SWLUG] Open Office problems & recovering files?

Gareth Lewis Gareth.Lewis at patent.gov.uk
Wed Mar 5 11:06:28 UTC 2003

Hi all,

how about StarOffice ?  any reviews / opinions ?

have people tried spending the ~30 quid on staroffice or have the lastest staroffice bundled with something else ?  I'd have thought that sun would make sure it saved documents before shipping it - but you never know. One guy I know has ordered it a couple of days ago so his partner can (hopefully) produce word etc. friendly documents needed for her job.   I'll let people know if he thinks is robust enough and produces sufficiently compatable documents. 

M$ compatability is important for linux no matter how biased agaist redmond one might be. 

Personally, I use Latex, Xfig and emacs to write most things, formal report documents etc. as they often need equations, and I happen to like the quality of the output and I perfer feeling in more control over the structure and format that progarms like wordperfect or word allow. (personally I like wordperfect) .  BUT  if you want to produce a very quick letter, any WP will do really, Abiword, Koffice, (lyx at a pinch - but i don;t like it), or wordperfect 8 for linux. 

just my 2p


PS, I bought and extra 512Mb ram last week for 59 quid and I'm happilly running a system that very rarely swaps at all - cool. just need to try and quieten the bloody cpu fan.  

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