[SWLUG] Getting old machine working

Carter N. N.Carter at swansea.ac.uk
Wed Dec 8 12:59:21 UTC 2004

Hi Neil and all...

I'm afraid I can't be more specific and accurate than this, but here are
some casual suggestions...

The Beeps are known as the POST (Power On Self Test). Most manufacturers
provide a list of beep codes and their meaning. The codes are fairly
consistent in the lower 'numbers' (of beeps). A search on BIOS (or CMOS) and
POST might be informative.

Look at the motherboard PCB for any sort of manufacturer, model, and serial
names and numbers.

Also, have a look at the PCB or chips for any likely-looking names: SiS,
PCChips, Phoenix, Award, AMI are a few off the top of my head.

One often finds (but this is very anecdotal, and doesn't always narrow
things down) that the BIOS chips are square, rather than rectangular.

Also, they often have some sort of adhesive sticker over (one of) the
chipset. The BIOS is PROM, and wiped by UV (the sticker prevents UV entering
the chip unless it's time to wipe). The sticker might contain a tell-tale

Searches on any text one can find on the motherboard are often more fruitful
than one would have anticipated.

I hope this is helpful.

Neil Carter            Psychology Department
IT Technician    University of Wales Swansea
                       Wales, United Kingdom


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