[SWLUG] Samaritans

peter apvx95 at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Apr 21 17:25:36 UTC 2005

Dick Bain wrote:

>Hi peeps
>I have a friend who is a Samaritans volunteer and they are having a
>debate about going broadband and the vulnerability to trojans spyware
>and viruses. As I understand it they use web based email and would also
>be  researching things from the  WWW, so they don't need any special
>Now I know that there are freeware scanning programs etc., but surely it
>would be better if the Open and Free software community could help them
>by setting up Linux on their existing systems.
>Samaritans are all volunters and do not have necessarily have any
>expertise in IT but we do, would it not be a good place to help out and
>raise the profile of Linux?
>Thoughts please
>SWLUG Discussion List - Discuss at swlug.org.uk
Could you approach them and ask them if they would like to discuss it?

If they would, maybe we could find a couple of voluteers to meet with them.



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