[SWLUG] Restart Apache from php

Toby Maxwell-Lyte Toby.Maxwell-Lyte at eazyweb.net
Fri Jan 21 14:27:06 UTC 2005

On 21 Jan 2005 at 13:54, justin at discordia.org.uk wrote:

> On 21 Jan, Toby Maxwell-Lyte wrote:
> > I guess I could store the desired domain names in a mysql db.
> > I could write a perl script that checked this db for entries and
> > then created new virtual hosts accordingly. I could then setup a
> > cronjob to run this script every 5 minutes.
> Apache does have support for multiple VirtualHosts without needing any
> config file changes or restarting.
> ive never tried it myself, but read here
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/vhosts/mass.html

Thanks, I had seen that and unfortuantely the sites are not 
necessarily stored in a directory that matches the domain name. The 
sites are created dynamically therefore they're stored in directories 
that have an integer that increases in value for each new site. This 
makes it far easier for programmatic reasons. 

e.g. www.example.com
points to /data/www/html/sites/site345/

points to /data/www/html/sites/site462/

Cheers for the help though. I must admit the php -> mysql -> perl -> 
cronjob idea is sounding the most applicable at the moment...


Toby Maxwell-Lyte    Project Manager

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