[SWLUG] Re: Accessing hard drive partitions

Rhys Sage rhys_sage at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 15 17:24:30 UTC 2005

Thus far I've checked the drive directly under XP Home
and found it's a 5gb partition with 775 mb of data on
it. and is FAT 32. There I get my problem...

I find a folder marked "recovery" but when I attempt
to open it (under XP) I get:

"Recovery Partition
This area of your hard disk
(or partition) contains files used
for your system recovery.
Do not delete or alter these files.
Any change to this partition could
prevent any recovery later."

I can't get any further than that. I really need to
back it up under XP to CD so that I can put it all
back later - if needed. Any ideas? I tried googling
and didn't get anywhere.

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