[SWLUG] Employment agencies

Adam Rykala adam at rykala.demon.co.uk
Wed Mar 2 00:16:31 UTC 2005

Before I got made redundant and went back to Uni (which, as an aside, was the 
best thing that happened to me) I worked in the private sector as Senior 
Network Admin and was basically head of IT for the site in Wales....

I had to do some hiring, and we often asked for the earth - but when it come 
to hiring took less, we always listed what would be nice, but accepted the 
closest to the bar.. aim high, shoot low...

So if you don't think you've got it all that they want (even the dreaded 
degree!) then still go for it...  I've seen some job apps asking for <n> 
years experience in things less then <n> years old ;-)

adam rykala / adam at rykala.demon.co.uk / pgp key id: 0x7f3c5776

Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.

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