[SWLUG] Brain is not dead but needs help!

plod plod at b0c.net
Mon Mar 14 22:36:01 UTC 2005

How very odd two people with the nick plod in same linux user group

Must be fate



-----Original Message-----
From: Plod [mailto:plod57 at ntlworld.com] 
Sent: 14 March 2005 22:18
To: discuss at swlug.org.uk
Subject: [SWLUG] Brain is not dead but needs help!

Thanks for the great response guys.  Some of it helped and others may have
done if I was up to it.

I have to say that my knowledge of Linux is about zero.  Give me credit for
at least knowing what it is and does and being able to get mandrake loaded
and sort of configured.

Are there any amongst your number who feel like taking pity on me and
showing me how to do it on my PC?  As a life long USER of computers my
knowledge is flaky at best, and downright wrong most of the time.  I have
read and reread several learn Linux books, but have never been able to
repeat the tutorials on my machine.  It just does not look anything like the

I realise that some of you guys may be in this for money, i.e. computer
professionals, and I would not be averse to a financial restitution it is
all tax deductible!

Please help.  If I can just start into this process, who knows I may be able
to wave goodbye to MS products.  Maybe.



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