[SWLUG] Another new person!

Tony Pursell ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Jul 1 15:25:55 UTC 2006

Hi Steve

On 1 Jul 2006 at 0:42, Steve Smith wrote:

> On 30/06/06, Tony Pursell <ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:
> > (especially MS Money).
> I've never used Money, but have you had a go with these?
> http://financialsoft.about.com/od/softwaretitle1/qt/Linux_FinSoft.htm

Thanks for this link.  

> Is Money much better than anything on Linux, or is it a case of
> porting all your data across being more effort than it's worth?

I've already looked a little bit at GnuCash.  Your link features 
Moneydance, which I may explore.  It's not free, but the cost is modest.  
As I have said before on this list, I don't mind paying £20 to £30 for a bit 
of really useful software.  

The big problems is, as you say, porting data across.  The other big 
feature of Money, for me, is the way it links to my bank, the Nationwide, 
to download transactions .  That is really good.  GnuCash can only link 
to some German Banks, I think.  But according to the licence for Money 
2004, it stops downloading prices for stocks and funds in September, so 
I may have a forced change anyway, whether or not it works in Wine.

Did you mean to reply to me off-list?  By default the reply is usually set 
to the sender, not the list.


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