[SWLUG] editing the inittab file, Mandriva 2007

Justin Mitchell justin at discordia.org.uk
Sun Apr 8 09:43:16 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-04-07 at 23:54 +0100, Stephen Constantinou wrote:
> Dear All
> I have downloaded the graphics driver for the NVIDIA TNT2 Model 64 and I 
> am trying to install this.  I have to alter the default run level so 
> that I will boot to a vga console and not back into X.  When in the 
> console I install the driver and edit the X config file, edit INITTAB 
> again to restore the run level to boot into X, and the reboot.  I think 
> I know what all that means.

> id:5:initdefault:"
> Question 1:
> Do I simply replace the numeral 5 in the last line with 3?
>       id:3:initdefault:

yes, that will change the run level you boot into by default.
but it has no immedate effect.

to change runlevel immediately do 'telinit 3'

> Question 2:
> After making this change do I boot to a command line and then have to 
> log in?

once you have changed runlevel, and exited any X sessions that may still
have been running.  then login on one of the text consoles and continue
with the install.

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