[SWLUG] Linux Distros and/or FreeBSD

Michael Parker Michael.Parker at wbs.wales.nhs.uk
Thu May 17 08:08:13 UTC 2007

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 12:42:04 +0100
> From: "Davage, Marcus" <Marcus.Davage at lloydstsb.co.uk>
> Subject: [SWLUG] Linux Distros and/or FreeBSD
> To: "SWLUG (E-mail)" <discuss at swlug.org.uk>
> Message-ID: <F8AE8DE611474A46803962C92CA1998506E4B0BF at EXCRSLTSBNET030>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I don't want to start a flame war, but here's my problem...

That's like saying "I don't mean to be rude... BUT..." or "I don't mean
to complain... BUT..." :o)

> (c) it comes with a huge bundle of software
> I tried Ubuntu from a mag's DVD - it was OK, but it didn't come with

Forgive me for being a bit dim here, but surely, you don't really WANT a
distro that comes with a load of stuff that you don't need?

> Is there a distro out there where I can just download an application
(or a
> new release of an application) and not worry about libs and sources

Presumably (I know, never presume, it makes a pres out of u and me)
you'll have access to a nice phat pipe of broadband goodness, so you can
just download whatever it is you need?

I use Ubuntu, I love it... Whenever I feel a whim to try some new
program, I just select it from the looongggg list in the programmy
managery thing, and it goes away and installs it and all the niggly
watchamacallits that it needs. Job done.

Oh, and it tells me when there's a new version of something there to be
downloaded, and - with my permission(!) - goes and does it...!

The ONLY problem I've had, is setting up a wireless adapter, which
needed NDISWRAPPER (crumbs, I sound like I know what I'm talking
about... I don't, I just know how to search forums)

Speaking of forums, I've found the ubuntu ones incredibly useful (this
is probably the same for any distro though!)

Sorry all this comes 12h after all the other comments... I must really
subscribe to the "as they happen" list rather than the "digest" list!

Mike =)

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