[SWLUG] Mail server headaches!
Dave Cridland
dave at cridland.net
Mon Feb 11 14:07:48 UTC 2008
On Mon Feb 11 12:13:25 2008, Pete Phillips wrote:
> It is almost impossible to set postfix up to do only this.
Not that a simpler MTA isn't what you need, but postfix itself is
pretty simple to configure for this - only two lines of this email
are needed, the rest is some background and optional stuff.
I'll start by assuming that you're using a Debian-like package of
postfix, and not attempting to configure from scratch. (The latter is
possible, but requires more typing).
You'll need to check that whatever's sending the mail is doing so
using a good return-path - ie, the one you actually want. If it's
not, you'll need to rewrite these, which basically means:
echo 'user real.mail at real.domain.example.net' >/etc/postfix/canonical
postmap /etc/postfix/canonical
Obviously, replace both "user" with the actual user doing to mailing
- www-user or whatever - and the email address needs correcting.
Next up, you want to change the transport for all mail. Which is
equally easy.
echo 'default_transport = smtp:mailhost.zen.co.uk'
postfix reload
This overrides the nexthop on the default transport (normally simply
smtp), which causes postfix not to bother with DNS lookups, and just
sends directly to Zen's mailhost. (Which is mailhost.zen.co.uk).
It won't affect decisions for other sorts of mail routing. In
particular, you could still tell Postfix to act as an MX secondary
for a domain, by adding it to relay_domains, and it won't then use
Real postfix nuts will observe that there's a relayhost variable for
this, too, which is slightly more obvious, but this *will* affect
both "formal relaying" and general sending, and so it's slightly less
flexible, but for completeness, you could have also done:
echo 'relayhost = mailhost.zen.co.uk' >/etc/postfix/main.cf
postfix reload
Which will do - kind of - the same as above. See man 5 transport for
the subtle differences.
If you accidentally do both, it'll still work - relayhost will simply
be ignored for the sending case.
Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at jabber.org
- acap://acap.dave.cridland.net/byowner/user/dwd/bookmarks/
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade
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