[SWLUG] Cardiff Meeting Wed 3rd Nov

Geraint Edwards gedge-lists-swlug at yadn.org
Thu Nov 4 11:01:54 UTC 2010

Justin Mitchell <justin at discordia.org.uk> said
		(on Thu, Nov 04, 2010 at 10:35:31AM +0000):
> Well i was there, upstairs in central bar, at 18:30 as promised.
> Where was everyone else ?

Sorry, I couldn't make it (last-minute decision, due to other commitments).

Cardiff's attendance has been very varied recently (sometimes 2-3 people, other
times 6 or more).  You appear to have picked a day where turnout hit a low ebb.

Hope you had a good book to read!

I will endeavour to make next month's.

Geraint A. Edwards (aka "Gedge")
gedge at yadn.org

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