[SWLUG] SWLUG Swansea Tech Talks Sunday 4th December 2011

Matthew Moore matt at matthewmoore.org.uk
Fri Oct 28 19:13:08 UTC 2011


Thanks for those who've responded to yesterdays email and on IRC.  It 
sounds like we've got a reasonable level of interest, so I'm going to 
confirm the booking.

The next Tech Talks will be at Swansea Quaker Meeting House on Sunday 
4th of December 2011 starting at 1800 and finishing by 2100.  There will 
be a charge, I'm afraid, £2 if you're employed and £1 concessions.

Link to wiki - 

Please update the wiki with requested topics, if there's anything you'd 
like to hear about.

Link to directions - 

Confirmed talks

Linux News and Round-up by Matthew Moore

I have one/two other talks in the pipeline, but I *always* need more. 
If you've got a subject you'd like to do a talk on, please let me know. 
  I can accommodate any length of talk, from 5 minutes long to 30 
minutes.  On pretty much any Linux/*nix/computer/hardware related 
project.  At any level of technical detail.  A few people have said that 
they don't want to bore people with stuff that's not at their level.  We 
do need a good mix of talks, so if one talk is an intro to ssh and 
another is on advanced programming, then that's a good thing.  Please 
don't be afraid to suggest a topic.

If you want to do a talk, but don't have a topic, here are a few ideas:

  - Converting old LPs/Cassettes to FLAC/OGG
  - Tutorials on any program that you know a decent bit about
  - Hardware hacking

I can come up with more, just ask.

If you have a cron job, please add the tech talks to your cron job.

If you have a projector, please contact me, we need one, the meeting 
house doesn't have one and I don't own one.

Once I have a few more confirmed talks, I'll whip up a poster with details.

Any questions?


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