[Swlug] A tiny RaspberryPi media player?

Mark Summerfield mark at qtrac.eu
Thu Jul 5 07:19:07 UTC 2018

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the info. Think I'll end up buying a small netbook/laptop and
putting Linux on it:-)

On Wed, 04 Jul 2018 12:09:49 +0100
"Simon Palmer" <Simon.Palmer at colegsirgar.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Something like this:
> https://www.hifiberry.com/build/guides/hifiberry-streamer-in-a-classic-audio-case/(I
> quite like the hifiberry kit - some of the projects are interesting)
> Internet radio seems to be much more popular - doesn't require a the
> AM/FM bits.Many TV tuners can receive FM too. 
> I don't think the Pi has a 5Ghz wifi chip yet, if you wanted that.
> Simon
> >>> Mark Summerfield via Swlug <swlug at mailman.lug.org.uk> 07/04/18 8:51  
> AM >>>
> Hi,
> Does this sound reasonable:
> A RaspberryPi + screen + case (+ AM/FM receiver)?
> The aim is to make a small (mains-powered) media player that can be used
> to watch music on YouTube, catchup on BBC iPlayer, and ideally listen to
> broadcasts on AM and FM (e.g., Radio 3; although I guess iPlayer would
> be sufficient for this anyway).
> I can't see a case on their website for the back of the 7" touch
> display; is there one? It would be a gift and must look 'complete'.
> I'd want to use their Debian-based OS since I'm used to Debian.
> I have no hardware skills at all, so would have to make it out of
> existing components that can just fit together.
> Also, why would I need the USB WiFi dongle when it has wireless
> built-in? The device would only be used at home with our wireless
> router.
> Thanks,

Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd.
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