[Swlug] Cardiff talks

Chris Jackson chriscf at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 16:29:03 UTC 2020

Hi all,

As I've mentioned previously, we'll be running an event in place of
our usual pubmeet this month.  We will be at Cardiff University's
Queen's Buildings.  So far, having checked the advice from the
University, they do not appear to be cancelling anything yet as
regards the COVID-19 outbreak, so we will be taking a lead from them.
Waiting for a change in this advice is one reason for the delay in
announcing this.

I've set up a registration page here:
It would be really helpful if you could register before arriving,
because I'll be sizing the refreshments based on these.

We have will have two short talks followed by a demo.  Details at the
link above.

Thanks to everyone who got in touch, and thanks in advance to everyone
who's going to come.

Chris Jackson

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