[Swlug] Mint difficulties

Matt Moore matt at matthewmoore.org.uk
Thu Mar 19 14:09:58 UTC 2020

On 19/03/2020 13:42, Dick Bain via Swlug wrote:
> I have to say that even after faffing around in Linux for more than 20 
> years, I have never been tempted to try Slack since seeing the arcane 
> instructions for installing version 3, boot disk, and then driver disk 
> with all the various drivers that needed tweaking, shudder 😉
> Dick

I think he means a different slack, not the distro, the chat software.

Bill - It does rather sound like you accidentally deleted your home 
directory.  If you try the following on a terminal, it'll give you a 
list of files in your home directory.  If there are none there, then 
you've deleted them.

cd ~


ls -alh

The command pwd, should say something like /home/bill or 
/home/username.  Then the ls command lists all the files (hidden and 
otherwise) in the directory.



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