[Swlug] Debian 12 Cinnamon folder pointers

Jonathan Marsden jmarsden at fastmail.fm
Wed Jul 3 23:28:03 UTC 2024


I tried it out, and the steps below are what worked for me.


Adding an Applet to the Panel to launch Nemo on /home/jonathan/Documents

1. Right click on the panel, click Applets
2. Search for the Panel-launchers applet (scroll, or use the search field)
3. If it does not have a check mark at the left, add it by
   clicking the plus sign at the bottom of the Applets window.
   Click the x at the top left of the Applets window to close it.
4. You will see new copies of the terminal and file manager icons
   appear in the panel, to the right.  We will remove these later!
5. Right click on the panel between these two new icons and click + Add
6. In the launcher properties window, type Docs in the Name: field.
7. In the Command: field, type nemo file:///home/jonathan/Documents/
   (replace jonathan with your username). Click OK.
8. In the popup asking "Would you like to add this launcher to the
   menu also?", click on Yes.
9. You will now have a launcher with red and white rocet icon on the panel.
   Double-click on it to check that it works to launch a copy of the nemo file
   manager with the expected Documents directory open.  Close nemo.
10. Right-click on the unwanted extra file manager icon to the left of the
    rocket icon, and click x Remove.
11. Right-click on the unwanted extra terminal icon to the left of the
    rocket icon, and click x Remove.
12. Right-click on the Panel and switch Panel edit mode to On.
13. Drag the rocket icon to where you want it on the panel, probably on
    the left near the start icon.
14. Right-click on the Panel and switch Panel edit mode to off.

  Jonathan Marsden
  Pastor, Deer Park Baptist Church, Tenby
  jmarsden at fastmail.fm

On Tue, 2 Jul 2024, at 21:19, Rhys Sage via Swlug wrote:

> I’m trying to put a pointer to the documents folder onto the panel by 
> the start button so my dad will find his documents more easily. I’m 
> using Cinnamon with Debian 12. Is there a way to do it?

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