[Swlug] Blowing my trumpet

Rhys Sage rhys_sage at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 21 22:20:33 UTC 2024

I put an Arduino Uno together with the required capacitor and so on to program an ATTiny85. It worked once only. After that I had an ATTiny85 get very hot while in the programmer. I don't think it blew up but then it's hard to tell which chip is which when you have a handful.

Anyway, today I finished building a dedicated ATTiny85 programmer and programmed the ATTiny85 to send a Morse code signal on pin3.  The programmer worked just fine and this one has a red LED to signify an error, a blue LED to signify it's programming the ATTiny85 and a green LED to show all is well. That is a great advance!

So I programmed the ATTiny85 and found that the onboard timer seems a bit off. I reprogrammed it with much shorter delays and it now produces an adequate Morse Code message.

Tomorrow I shall continue my work on the radio transmitter. I had hoped to work on that in the evenings when I was in Britain but my computer there is 20+ years old, still on Windows XP and has no wifi card. I'll have to see about ordering a PCI card on Temu.

So... Successes.

Rhys Sage

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