[Swlugevents] Ant is included in the Java EE 5 SDK bundle that you downloaded.

discomfort cskqk at twcny.rr.com
Thu May 10 09:00:28 BST 2007


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This means that when the viewOrder. 0, which you can download  from the
J2SE 5. Previous Enterprise Java Technologies Tech Tips, such as Using
Enterprise Beans with JSP Pages covered an earlier version of the EL,
one that was included in JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.
unmarshal( new FileInputStream(authrequestXMLfile)); . These  APIs
require services to work with messages or message payloads.
It then invokes the getFirstName() method, which returns  the first name
of the user. You can also run the example from the command line, as
follows: If you haven't already done so, download the Java EE 5 SDK and
install it.
jsp page calls the loadOrder method in the stateless session bean. The
client calls the credit card web service to  authorize payment on a
credit card provided by the customer. The  utility method
getSourceFromSOAPMessage returns a Source object.
It then invokes the getFirstName() method, which returns  the first name
of the user. If the value of the property is requested, JavaBeans get
methods get the value.
The  client sends credit card and card holder information contained  in
an XML document to the server. xml, which you can find in the conf 
directory. Binds XML to Java objects.
The sample application in the previous tip emulated credit card 
authorization and used an SEI to implement the web service.
The CreditCardServiceUsingPAYLOAD. The environment  variable is set by
the script you executed earlier.
test4 uses handlers that are set for a particular port.
test2 uses a HandlerResolver to set handlers on a service.
In the sample this is done in an ant task that has the  target name
generate-server. It's used as a proxy to transmit requests to a server
in a different domain.
host from the  default (localhost) to the appropriate remote host. This 
method is called by the client.
If the service mode selected is PAYLOAD, the Dispatch instance  is
created using an object of type Source. The application has four types
of components:  An HTML page: index. The core run-time behavior of an
ELResolver is specified in  three methods: getValue(), setValue(), and
getType(). Let's look at the run-time behavior first. The example code
is packaged as a NetBeans 5. Which one gets deployed depends on an 
environment variable for the service mode. The invoke method is a
synchronous callback  method with input and output parameters for soap
messages. Change the current directory to the techtip directory. Because
UserBean is a plain old JavaBean, the PropertyResolver  looks for a
JavaBeans property with the name firstName, which it finds. Recall that
the  sample in the May 2006 tech tip used the method 
authorizePaymentSTAX to process the XML document using StAX.
You can  download the SDK from the Java EE Downloads page. Extending
ELResolver Now let's return to the custom ELResolver. (In Windows, it's
in the jdk subdirectory. Logical handlers are executed before SOAP
handlers, maintaining the original order in the chain. From the sample 
directory enter the following command: ant all In response you should
see output similar to this:  compile: [javac] Compiling . 2,  these two
classes have been deprecated with the introduction of  the javax. Assume
the requestMap has such a value under the key user and  this value is an
instance of UserBean. Handlers are interceptors that can be easily
plugged into the JAX-WS 2. It uses StAX reader and writer APIs to read
the input  XML and construct output XML, respectively. Another entity
maps to  a database that contains further details about the order such 
as the configuration description.
WebServiceRef) annotations.
java, is  packaged with the sample.
Write an endpoint implementation class.
Generate portable artifacts for web service execution. 0 specification
provides two new APIs which make it possible for web services to operate
at the XML message level.
Recall that the  sample in the May 2006 tech tip used the method 
authorizePaymentSTAX to process the XML document using StAX. JavaBeans
set methods set the value in the  server-side objects. It then invokes
the getFirstName() method, which returns  the first name of the user.
The sample includes five handler-related tests: test1 uses handlers that
are configured on a proxy using JAX-WS WSDL customization. The 
VariableResolver class has one method resolveVariable(). In addition to
specifying the URI of the protocol binding, you can specify tokens that
are aliases of the standard binding types. HandlerChain or through
JAX-WS customization.

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