[Swlugevents] New part-time positions available now

Lisa Collins vsdincidence at clarkforestry.com
Mon Sep 7 10:28:39 UTC 2009


Our company is currently hiring personnel in Your area. Main requirements 
for candidates are punctuality, ability to process incoming tasks and 
basic knowledge of management. The working process is quite simple and 
easy to grasp. There are no special  skills or experience required. All 
You need to have is two or three hours a day, which is more than enough 
for processing the whole volume of daily work.

Main requirements for applicants are:
Constant access to the Internet
PC knowledge on user level (MS Office programs, email clients)
Age 21 up, no age limit

The job offered is ideal for people who during the crisis lost their jobs 
for some reasons, pensioners, students or part-time employed workers. 
Having two jobs at a time is possible.

We are looking forward to Your resume or profile at lisa.collins at hush.com

All incoming resumes will be analyzed and chosen candidates will be notified 
over email.

We guarantee to process Your resume within 48 hours max.

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