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were all concerned that she would never been found, and this will 
allow us to proceed with the next phase of the investigation," Dickey 
said. "I'm sure the family is devastated, but it does answer the 
question."Her father, David Markham, was stunned by the discovery."I'm doing 
as well as can be, and I appreciate the love and support," 
Markham told WLWT-TV of Cincinnati. "I just need time right now with 
my other daughter Ally."Her fiance, John Carter, wasn't available for comment 
Thursday, but his stepfather said the news had hit Carter hard."Pretty much 
crushing at this point," said Steve Winkler. "Everything is fresh again, 
just waves of emotion. He's doing the best he can."The northern Cincinnati 
suburb where Markham lived is some 25 miles east of where the 
remains were found along Big Cedar Creek, near Cedar Grove in southern 
Franklin County. Houze said the area is a place where people sometime 
dump trash, and that people looking for scrap metal found the remains 
and called police.The case had brought out hundreds of volunteers to help 
police and professional search teams scour nearby woods, waterways and rural 
areas, and was featured on national television shows. The only item gone 
with her was her cellphone, which apparently was turned off shortly after 
she went missing. Her dog was locked in a bedroom, and her 
car and purse were left behind in her town house just off 
a busy street in Fairfield."I never expected this day t
 ad aloud the lyrics to Carney. Jay-Z and Beyonce are both 
Obama supporters."It's a song," Carney said. "The president's not communicating 
with Jay-Z over this trip."Several Florida lawmakers had lashed out at the 
couple, and the administration, over the trip. U.S. law bans tourism by 
Americans to Cuba, though there are exceptions for certain cultural trips.Sen. 
Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said in a statement earlier this week: "U.S. law 
clearly bans tourism to Cuba by American citizens because it provides money 
to a cruel, repressive and murderous regime. Since their inception, the 
Obama Administration's 'people to people' cultural exchange programs have 
been abused by tourists who have no interest in the Cuban people's 
freedom and either don't realize or don't care that they're essentially 
funding the regime's systematic trampling of people's human rights."The 
Treasury Department clarified in a letter earlier this week that the couple 
traveled to Cuba under an "education exchange trip" organized by another 
group. The department said it handles authorizing these trips.			 
    Beyonce and Jay-Z's Trip to Cuba			
	    Beyonce and Jay-Z's Cuban vacation

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