[Swlugevents] Medicare enrollment period for 2013. Compare plans before the deadline...

Senior Health SeniorHealth at dotteruellatttn.us
Wed Oct 23 11:17:32 UTC 2013

Medicare enrollment period for 2013. Compare plans before the deadline...


Unsub- http://www.dotteruellatttn.us/2663/159/347/1297/2752.10tt74103107AAF10.html

TORONTO  An aunt of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects says the 
older brother recently became a devout Muslim who prayed five times a 
day.Maret Tsarnaeva told reporters at her Toronto home on Friday that her 
brother Anzor Tsarnaev had high expecations for his sons, especially 26-year-old 
Tamerlan.She says her brother was desperate when he found out Tamerlan dropped 
out of his university.She says Tamerlan married and had a daughter in 
the U.S.She called the boys smart and athletic, and she wants proof 
they are involved in the bombing."Within the family, everything was perfect," 
the aunt says.
on was ruled mostly by warlords, deeply 
divided by clan rivalries, and increasingly dominated by conflicts between 
those seeking to establish a secular government and Islamist militants. 
With the civilian government not only divided, but also hugely corrupt and 
deeply involved in organized crime, the Islamists found plenty of popular 
support.(The local residents converted to Islam in the 16th Century as local 
tribes allied themselves with the Ottoman Empire to the south against the 
Russians.)When Islamists sought in 1999 to expand their efforts to neighboring 
Dagestan, another Muslim-majority province, the government in Moscow cracked 
down. Vladimir Putin campaigned on retaking the region and when he took 
office in 1999, the former KGB agent struck hard.The brutal Russian campaign 
swiftly captured the nominal capital of the region, eliminating the government 
of the breakaway region in a matter of weeks. But Islamist rebels 
returned to the mountains and kept up the fight. Soon after, perhaps 
with aid from international Islamist terrorists, they launched their campaign 
against the Russian civilian population.The horror at incidents like the 
theater and school raids mentioned above increased support for Putins hard-line 
stance. Russian raids in the region continued and Putin installed a Russian 
client regime in the regional government.Thousands of Chechens have fled 
the region during the last 20 years, sometimes taking their troubled history

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