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 March 12, 2013: This photo shows the air traffic control tower at 
Chicago's Midway International Airport.APWASHINGTON  Transportation Secretary 
Ray LaHood has assured lawmakers the Obama administration will prevent the 
closure of 149 small airport towers as well as end furloughs of 
air traffic controllers nationwide as a result of legislation passed by 
Congress, according to officials involved in negotiations on the bill.The 
disclosure came as senators sought signatures on a letter to LaHood saying 
that that their support of the legislation "was based on the understanding 
that the contract towers would be fully funded." In all, 149 towers 
are ticketed for possible closure beginning June 15 as the FAA carries 
out its share of the $85 billion in across-the-board budget cuts that 
took effect in March at numerous federal agencies.The letter said the towers, 
which are staffed by employees under contract to the FAA, are a 
"vital public safety and economic development asset for dozens of communities 
- many of them rural - in every corner of the country." 
It was circulated by Sens. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., and Richard Blumenthal, 
D-Conn.The developments coincided with congressional passage during the 
day of a follow-up bill that fixed a stenographic error in legislation 
that cleared late last week. It was designed to give LaHood flexibility 
to shift up to $253 million among various accounts to "prevent reduced 
operations and staffing of the FAA," b
 van, businessman Gabriel Gomez and state Rep. Daniel Winslow, 
former legal counsel for ex-governor and 2012 presidential nominee Mitt 
Romney.Gomez, 47, has tried to portray himself as the new face of 
the Republican Party. The son of Colombian immigrants, Gomez learned English 
in kindergarten, then went on to become a Navy pilot and SEAL, 
earn an MBA at Harvard and launch a private equity career.The 54-year-old 
Winslow said he's the only candidate with experience in all three branches 
of the government.After 12 years as a private attorney, Winslow was appointed 
to a judgeship on the state's district court in 1995. He served 
eight years and left to join Romney's administration as chief legal counsel.Sullivan, 
58, has pointed to his national security resume, which includes helping 
investigate the Sept. 11 attacks and the failed attempt to blow up 
an airliner using shoe bombs.Sullivan's law enforcement and criminal justice 
background was critical for Peter Bochner, a 60-year-old Wayland voter who 
cast his ballot for Sullivan and said he wasn't surprised at the 
relatively low turnout."Law enforcement gets the short shrift in political 
elections," he said. "I just think it's not a sexy election. I 
don't think primaries, unless they are hotly contested, get a big turnout."Massachusetts 
Secretary of State William Galvin has said fewer than one in five 
registered voters could end up casting ballots.Polls close at 8 p.m. The 
special Senate electi

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