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 The 2010 report said lands like Chechnya -- as well as 
Pakistan and Somalia -- are seen by "jihadi theoreticians" as places where 
"fighting is not only legitimate but also compulsory." The same report also 
noted Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov has tried to align the insurgency 
"with the global jihadist narrative," supporting the establishment of an 
"Islamic emirate in the Caucasus."Whether Chechens, however, have actually 
gone to the frontlines in Afghanistan and Pakistan is a matter of 
fierce dispute. A Congressional Research Service report earlier this year 
said "some Chechen fighters fighting alongside Taliban/Al Qaeda forces have 
been captured or killed."But other studies have sharply questioned this 
kind of reporting, claiming that American officials and media were buying 
into a Russian narrative that Moscow was simply fighting Islamic terrorists 
in Chechnya.A 2004 report from University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth 
professor Brian Glyn Williams described a more complicated picture."While 
it is certainly possible that Chechen individuals made their way to Afghanistan 
to fight for the Taliban in Afghanistan, the complete absence of even 
a single Chechen POW among the thousands captured by the Northern Alliance 
and the U.S. would clearly refute the wild claims that the Chechens 
formed the 'largest contingent of Al Qaeda's foreign legion'," he wrote.Williams 
told FoxNews.com, rather, that "there's a jihad element that has grown large
e said Grossi would now become 
the chief delegate of his country, Argentina, to the IAEA and other 
Vienna-based U.N. organizations. He was also expected to become Argentine 
ambassador to Austria.IAEA officials said the agency had no comment.Grossi 
had been widely seen as a possible successor to Amano, who was 
re-elected for a second term earlier this year.A career diplomat, he had 
assumed an increasingly visible role over the past year, accompanying senior 
technical and legal experts on trips to Tehran in attempts to restart 
the probe into Iran's alleged secret nuclear work. His presence in the 
delegation was seen as a move by Amano to have more direct 
reporting from those trips.

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