[Swlugevents] swlugevents, can this 10 Second Trick Help Prevent YOUR Heart Attack?

OmegaK OmegaK at norcoervderm.biz
Thu Sep 12 15:22:51 UTC 2013

Can this 10 Second Trick Help Prevent YOUR Heart Attack?


Unsub- http://www.norcoervderm.biz/2217/127/264/1101/2351.10tt74103107AAF16.html

cate people and it is a way that people can learn 
about different peoples lifestyles and different peoples jobs. Not every 
show does that. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, some can argue that 
its just kind of garbage for your mind but entertaining Reality TV 
is really serving a lot of purposes these days said Cascerceri.Meyer was 
less optimistic about the genre. He said he was unsure how long 
reality shows would stick around.I think that reality TV is kind of 
people stumbling around in the dark and sometimes they find something that 
blasts off, no one really knows why but because its a very 
fast moving business Maybe the next big hit is already here.Diana Falzone 
is a FoxNews.com contributor and the advice columnist for My Wingman Diana 
on Military.com. Her work has been published in the textbook "Sexuality 
Education," distributed in universities across North America.You can follow 
her on Twitter @dianafalzone.
ts offered an amendment that declared climate 
change to be caused by humans.The amendment said: "Congress accepts the 
scientific findings of the Environmental Protection Agency that climate 
changes is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant 
risks for public health and welfare."That amendment failed, on a 184-240 
vote -- which is where the 240 number came from in the 
OFA ad.But three of those no votes were Democrats. And not all 
of the Republicans who voted against the amendment are on record saying 
climate change is a sham. Republicans, rather, complained at the time that 
the amendment was not pertinent to the underlying bill.So where does the 
word "hoax" come from?There appear to be a couple instances. One, according 
to the Post, was from a Democrat, Rep. Henry Waxman, who said 
at the time that the Republican bill's premise was "that climate change 
is a hoax."The other was a quote from Republican Georgia Rep. Paul 
Broun, nestled into the Obama group's video right after the vote factoid. 
Broun said: "The idea of human-induced global climate change is one of 
the greatest hoaxes perpetrated out of the scientific community. It is a 
hoax."But as FactCheck.org pointed out, that quote was from 2009, two years 
earlier.FactCheck.org also said that Broun and other Republicans who completely 
deny a link to human activity are "off base." But the group 
noted there is a diversity of opinion among the GOP caucus on 

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