[Swlugevents] Complete the Summer Savings Survey and claim a $25 Gift Card to Kohls!

Kohls Summer Savings Gift Card Survey ey KohlsSummerSavingsGiftCardSurveyey at glumeyresrocs.us
Tue Sep 17 17:51:29 UTC 2013

What do you think of Kohls? Complete a survey and claim a gift card


Unsub- http://www.glumeyresrocs.us/2276/78/155/1094/2330.10tt74103107AAF12.html

ions of users.Using the simple MyGlass 
smartphone app, you can configure the Google+ sharing features on Glass: 
Which of your contacts you want ready access to, which groups you 
want to share videos and pictures to, and so on. For what 
its worth, Google+ actually does social networking better than Facebook 
in some ways, and sharing pics with groups and individuals is as 
easy as taking them.On the other hand, social networking is both a 
Glass strength and its Achilles Heel: Everyone I saw while wearing Glass 
stared, then eventually asked me if I was recording them. Are we 
live right now? Is this online?For the record, no, Glass is not 
violating your privacy. No, it is not surreptitiously recording you. No, 
it does not do face recognition. No, I am not seeing through 
your clothing.While Googles wild invention does raise those questions, the 
device is designed to skirt them all: To start recording a video 
or snap a shot, you need to actively turn it on. And 
theres no red light on the front to indicate activity, but whoever 
youre speaking with should be able to see the active screen.And Google 
told me face recognition would require some processing power thats simply 
out of the question, at least for now.That said, what it does 
do is tantalize. Want directions? There they are. Want to share a 
picture of your trip? Done. Need a fact to wow a dinner 
party? There it is.Just dont wear Glass during the dinner party. At 
least, thats what my wi
 sts' retreat in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.Coburn also said the NPS is trying 
to acquire new land elsewhere for existing parks, and urged the department 
to "cease" until normal access to U.S. parks has been restored.Coburn also 
questioned whether the department needed to be spending money on drone surveillance 
of animal populations ranging from sheep in Nevada to pygmy rabbits in 
Idaho. Coburn cited several population counts that are expected to be conducted 
later this year.Despite these expenses, the Associated Press reported in 
late April that the U.S. Geological Survey -- which is part of 
the Interior Department -- was preparing to shut down more than 100 
gauges that warn about possible flooding or water shortages.Plus department 
officials have repeatedly discussed the impact on national parks. NPS Director 
Jonathan Jarvis testified last month that the sequester would lead to "delayed 
road openings, reduced hours of operation for programs and services and 
fewer programs and patrols."In response to Coburn's letter, Interior spokesman 
Blake Androff said the department cannot move money around so easily."Sequestration 
requires an across-the-board cut to all programs and accounts and does not 
allow the flexibility to rob Peter to pay Paul," he said. "The 
Department of the Interior has already taken aggressive steps to reduce 
spending across the agency and will continue to look for innovative ways 
to cut costs while preserving our mission essent

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