[Swlugevents] Breaking News:Super-Nutrient to control blood pressure revealed

Marine Essentials MarineEssentials at gammedbilofount.us
Tue Sep 24 15:21:14 UTC 2013

As you know, dealing with cholesterol and blood pressure levels can be a difficult task.
Many begin dieting and taking medication from their local doctors in order to keep these
numbers under control. 

This IS NOT the solution 

Many doctors are out there to make money and often over medicate/ prescribe the wrong
medication to handle these conditions. This leads to VERY serious side effects that can kill you. 

THE GOOD NEWS IS: Dr. Haengwoo Lee out of the Seattle area, discovered a nutrient found deep under
the oceans surface that has been tested and PROVEN to lower cholesterol, blood pressure levels, and even fight
off future diseases that many adults are often plagued by. 

>>Please WATCH this video to learn more<<



Marine Essentials
10326 S. Western 
Chicago, IL 60643

WASHINGTON  After a full year of fruitless job hunting, Natasha Baebler 
just gave up.She'd already abandoned hope of getting work in her field, 
working with the disabled. But she couldn't land anything else, either  
not even a job interview at a telephone call center.Until she feels 
confident enough to send out resumes again, she'll get by on food 
stamps and disability checks from Social Security and live with her parents 
in St. Louis."I'm not proud of it," says Baebler, who is in 
her mid-30s and is blind. "The only way I'm able to sustain 
any semblance of self-preservation is to rely on government programs that 
I have no desire to be on."Baebler's frustrating experience has become all 
too common nearly four years after the Great Recession ended: Many Americans 
are still so discouraged that they've given up on the job market.Older 
Americans have retired early. Younger ones have enrolled in school. Others 
have suspended their job hunt until the employment landscape brightens. 
Some, like Baebler, are collecting disability checks.It isn't supposed to 
be this way. After a recession, an improving economy is supposed to 
bring people back into the job market.Instead, the number of Americans in 
the labor force  those who have a job or are looking 
for one  fell by nearly half a million people from February 
to March, the government said Friday. And the percentage of working-age 
adults in the labor force  what's called the participation rate  
including prison guards and state troopers.Johnson 
also said the fees are not automatic and will be decided during 
future contract negotiations between the union and local school boards. 
The fees will not go toward political activities and workers are not 
being forced to join the union, he also said. The legislature has 
already passed OMalley incremental gas-tax increase that will up the price 
of a gallon of gas by as much as 20 cents by 
2016 and the governors gun-control bill, which is considered among the toughest 
in the county. The bill includes bans on assault weapons, limits on 
high-capacity magazines and fingerprinting for buyers.Mourad said he expects 
OMalley will sign the union bill.OMalleys office said Wednesday the bill 
was not part of the governors legislative agency and no decision has 
been made whether he would sign it."Gov. OMalley has been competing with 
(New York) Gov. Cuomo to make Maryland the most liberal and high 
taxed state in the nation," said state Republican Delegate Susan Krebs. 
"It is a race to the bottom for Maryland. This is all 
an effort by the governor to position himself to the left of 
his potential presidential contenders.There is no doubt that Maryland has 
become the bluest of blue states."

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