[Swlugevents] 1 weird food that KILLS blood pressure 74103107

Blood Pressure Solution BloodPressureSolution at ovololompocwhbl.us
Wed Apr 9 13:21:40 UTC 2014

1 food that kills high blood pressure


Unsub- http://www.ovololompocwhbl.us/l/lc18WDCKQ5030LTPHL176TW/387UQTP1414JBAMPF3916MSH10SGFULP74103107T778483986

President Obama said he is unaware of longstanding efforts by Republican 
lawmakers to question survivors of the Benghazi attacks but pledged to investigate 
the issue.Im not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked 
from testifying, the president said during a White House news conference 
on Tuesday. So what Ill do is I will find out what 
exactly youre referring to.Obamas pledge to find out more came as officials 
at the State Department pushed back against allegations -- first aired Monday 
on Fox News -- that career employees at the agency have been 
threatened if they furnish new information about the Benghazi attacks to 
members of Congress.The State Department is deeply committed to meeting 
its obligation to protect employees, and the State Department would never 
tolerate -- tolerate or sanction -- retaliation against whistle-blowers 
on any issue, including this one, spokesman Patrick Ventrell told reporters 
at a briefing on Tuesday. Thats an obligation we take very seriously 
-- full stop.Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, 
were killed in terrorist attacks on U.S. installations in the port city 
of Benghazi, Libya, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012. While the 
FBI investigation into the attacks continues, no known instances of any 
perpetrators being brought to justice have yet been reported.Rep. Darrell 
Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, 
will hold the fi
FILE: Undated: This application shows the short form for the new federal 
Affordable Care Act. The first draft was more complicated, like a tax 
form.APThe Obama administration unveiled simplified forms Tuesday for health 
insurance benefits coming next year under the federal health care overhaul, 
as a new poll shows many Americans are confused by ObamaCare or 
do not even know it's the law of the land.The poll released 
by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 4 in 10 Americans are 
unaware ObamaCare was signed into law. Some think it's been repealed by 
Congress, but, in fact, it's still on track.The poll also revealed that 
about half of the American public, 49 percent, say they do not 
have enough information about ObamaCare to understand how it will impact 
their own family.Obama hailed the simplified forms as an example of how 
his team listened to criticism from consumer groups and made a fix 
at a news conference Tuesday. The law's benefits will be available to 
all Americans, he emphasized, even if Republicans in Congress still insist 
on repeal, and many GOP governors won't help put it into place.The 
biggest change: a five-page short form that single people can fill out. 
That total includes a cover page with instructions, and an extra page 
to fill out if you want to designate someone to help you 
through the process.However, the application form for families still runs 
to 12 pages, although most households will not have to fill out 

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