[Swlugevents] Stop IRS Tax Levies and Tax Liens

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Thu Apr 10 11:21:50 UTC 2014

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Wilhemina Paul, 70; and Johanna Djikhoff, 80. All three were from Bradenton.The 
police report characterizes the injuries of four other pedestrians as serious 
and says they were taken to hospitals.Sugar Creek Estates resident and retired 
emergency medical technician Muriel Watts described the aftermath of the 
crash to the Bradenton Herald (http://bit.ly/1cKGpvj) as "a horrible sight."She 
said she approached one elderly woman who was lying face down on 
the ground but could not find a pulse."I knew she was gone," 
Watts said.She then helped a man who had "tire tracks from his 
ankles to armpits."The other victims had bloody heads and knees, she said.
 the store. He 
challenged al-Akhras, suspicious of her behavior, and she detonated her 
explosives at the entrance.A doctor caught up in the blast found the 
security guard bleeding to death on the pavement. His legs were gone. 
Al-Akhras was dead, and in the rubble, investigators found an unexploded 
mortar shell.On Sunday at the Supersol, a security guard stood in Smadar's 
old spot. A plaque on the wall commemorated him and Rachel Levy, 
a 17-year-old Israeli also killed in the blast.Levy's parents declined to 
comment. Almagor said the Levys were upset to learn in the media 
about the body of their daughter's killer being returned to the West 
Bank.A Supersol cashier on the job Sunday morning was also working the 
day of the attack. She started to cry when an Associated Press 
journalist tried to talk to her about the blast. Sunday's body transfer 
awakened raw memories, and her manager asked AP to leave.In the weeks 
before the attack, there were few signs that al-Akhras had become radicalized, 
according to her parents. Engaged to be married, she was a good 
student from a big, traditional Palestinian family of 10 brothers and sister. 
Some of them had been in and out of Israeli jails.Looking back, 
the mother said her daughter was restless at the time, that she 
couldn't sleep with the noise of gunfire as Israelis and militant groups 
engaged each other in fierce battles.At some point, al-Akhras made contact 
with the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a 

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