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Anti-clerical European monarchs pressured Pope Clement XIV to abolish the 
society in 1773    a suppression that wasn't lifted until 
1814. Still, Jesuits remained a target for anti-Catholic conspiracy theorists 
who believed the priests were scheming to overthrow foreign governments.The 
order has become known more recently for academic rigor seen in the 
universities they built in the U.S. and around the world. Jesuit scientists 
have made so many advances in astronomy, physics and math that 35 
moon craters have been named in their honor. But partly because of 
these intellectual achievements, claims of elitism often surround the society.The 
Rev. Joseph McShane, president of the Jesuit Fordham University, opened 
a recent event with a quip playing on the order's reputation and 
Francis' no-frills papacy. The pope has kept the simple, iron-plated pectoral 
cross he used as bishop and living in the Vatican guesthouse rather 
than the grand papal apartment."A humble Jesuit? An oxymoron. A Jesuit pope? 
An impossibility. A humble Jesuit pope? A miracle," McShane said.In the 
1970s, when the church was debating how it should relate to the 
modern world, the order's General Congregation, or legislative body, decreed 
that "the service of faith" and "the promotion of justice" would be 
the focus of every Jesuit ministry. This coincided with a period of 
high-profile    detractors would say notorious    activist 
Jesuits, including the Rev. Daniel Berrig
FILE: Undated: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, (r.), with the Korean 
People's Army senior officers, preparing a satellite launch.APGen. James 
Thurman, the head of U.S. Forces Korea, has delayed his planned visit 
to Capitol Hill this week due to heightened tensions on the Korean 
peninsula.Thurman was scheduled to begin testifying Tuesday before multiple 
Senate and House committees about the situation in which the totalitarian 
North Korean government has declare a state of war on neighboring South 
Korea. Kim Jong Un -- North Koreas new, young leader -- has 
also said he would restart nuclear reactors.The United State earlier this 
month sent B-52 aircraft to South Korea as part of a training 
exercise and has moved a Navy ship off the peninsula's coast, signals 
from the White House that the U.S. wants to head off any 
potential conflict by flexing its military might."Given the current situation, 
Gen. Thurman will remain in Seoul next week as a prudent measure," 
Col. Amy Hannah, a spokeswoman for the general, told Fox News on 
Sunday.Hannah said the general has asked the House and Senate Armed Services 
committees and others to excuse his absence until he can testify at 
a later date.He looks forward to appearing before the committees at the 
earliest possible date," she also said.

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