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 ial activities."Roughly 
half the department budget pays staff, which is far more than at 
other agencies. The department argues that the sequester cuts, then, have 
a significant impact on services -- seasonal hiring, for instance, had to 
be drastically cut back, which impacts programs at national parks. Federal 
agencies have each responded differently to the sequester. The Federal Aviation 
Administration rattled lawmakers after it furloughed air traffic controllers, 
leading to delays at major U.S. airports. Congress, though, intervened by 
allowing the FAA to move money around, in turn canceling those furloughs.The 
private business community also has stepped in. At Yellowstone National 
Park, two cities stepped up when the National Park Service decided to 
save money by plowing snow two weeks later than usual. This would 
have delayed the clearing of four park gates well past the typical 
May 1 opening, so city officials held a fundraiser and collected enough 
money to pay the state to clear the roads, ensuring the gates 
will be open on time.Coburn cited this as a positive example in 
his letter, and urged the department to find more savings."I believe the 
Department can continue to maintain this same level access even under sequestration," 
he wrote. "To accomplish this, the Department must prioritize its core mission, 
eliminate unnecessary, wasteful, and duplicative programs, and find innovative 
ways to do more with less."
 . Always avoid carbohydrates and sugars; they increase serotonin instead 
of dopamine.If you want to increase your muscle mass, you should aim 
to increase your insulin levels before working out. The optimal pre-workout 
meal should include a serving of lean protein such as fish, turkey, 
or egg whites along with a complex carbohydrate that is either the 
same size as the protein or a little larger (sweet potato or 
wild rice).After a workoutTo increase both strength and muscle mass, your 
post-workout meal should contain both protein and carbohydrates.A liquid 
meal, like whey protein, should contain a ratio of 1 gram of 
protein for every 4 grams of carbohydrates and should be consumed right 
after your workout.Adding a green drink (a combination of spinach, kale, 
cucumbers, celery, and other greens) to your routine can help speed recovery 
by up to 50 percent by increasing alkalinity and counteracting the effects 
of the lactic acid produced by strength-training.Liquid meals should be 
followed about an hour later by a snack containing a lean protein 
and a complex carbohydrate of the same size or a little larger. 
Good options include egg whites and oatmeal, turkey and a sweet potato, 
or chicken and wild rice.Want to lose weight?If fat loss is your 
goal, Sim recommends working out first thing in the morning on an 
empty stomach. This forces the body to use its own energy stores 
and break down fat for energy.Instead of having a post-workout snack, a

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