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 st of 
the order's 3,700-plus schools worldwide are smaller and many are struggling.The 
Rev. Tom Smolich, president of the Jesuit Conference USA, said some are 
half-jokingly wondering about a papal version of the "Flutie effect," a 
reference to Doug Flutie, quarterback for Jesuit-run Boston College whose 
last-second "Hail Mary" pass won a 1984 game against Miami. In the 
aftermath, BC's applications increased.Mostly, though, the society is hoping 
for what the Rev. Matt Malone, editor of the Jesuit magazine America, 
called "a moment of reconciliation." Previous popes have disciplined Jesuit 
theologians over liberal teachings. In 2008, Benedict XVI sent a letter 
asking the order's worldwide members to pledge "total adhesion" to Catholic 
doctrine, including on divorce and homosexuality."That the cardinals would 
even consider choosing a Jesuit now, I thought, marked a new beginning 
in that relationship," Malone wrote.Recognized by the church in 1540, the 
order was founded by Basque soldier Inigo de Loyola. Jesuits swear an 
oath of obedience to the papacy and have been dubbed "God's Soldiers" 
for their readiness to evangelize anywhere the pontiff sent them. Jesuits 
brought Christianity to 16th-century Japan. A 19th-century Belgian Jesuit 
was a peace negotiator between the U.S. government and Sioux Indians.But 
depending on the era, the society could be viewed with as much 
suspicion as respect.Their growing influence sometimes generated resentme
 he agreed on the need for hearings and planned to brief all 
Senate Republicans next week. He disputed the claim that the immigration 
bill process has been more secretive than any other and said he's 
worked to incorporate suggestions from all senators.Rubio has tried to act 
as a bridge between the bipartisan "Gang of Eight" and other congressional 
Republicans. His involvement is seen as key to bringing any immigration 
package across the finish line.Rubio has recently voiced concern -- echoing 
the complaints of his colleagues -- that the process was being rushed.Senate 
Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., in response to those 
concerns, said he would consider holding one hearing.The Senate Judiciary 
Republicans who wrote the latest letter complained about this approach, 
predicting Leahy would "likely proceed directly to a mark-up of a far-reaching 
and complex immigration bill based on your group's proposals."The letter 
was signed by top committee Republican Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Alabama Sen. 
Jeff Sessions, Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.Rubio released 
a letter back that stressed his agreement on an open process."This proposal 
will be a starting point," Rubio wrote. "As members of the committee 
of jurisdiction I expect you to have ample opportunity to review, comment 
and amend as you see fit ... You can expect that I 
will continue to defend the rights of every senator, myself included, to 
conduct this process in 

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