[Thanet] [ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Tue May 15 07:02:36 BST 2007

Morning all,

As part of Software Freedom Day 2007, the Thanet Linux User Group will  
be running a series of Talks and Seminars aimed at various skill  
levels and expertise to aid people in the uptake of Linux and other  
Free/OpenSource Software.

In the run up to the event, we hope to have Ubuntu Live-CDs, Open-CDs  
and flyers in local shops, schools and other public information  
centres both advertising the event and allowing people to play with  
Linux and F/OSS before attending the day itself.

The Thanet Linux User Group welcomes papers on almost any subject that  
is associated with the F/OSS movement and would especially welcome  
talks along the lines of the following:

- I've got your CD, now what do I do?
- How easy is it to install Linux?
- Why should I make the switch?
- Why don't my games work?
- Where can I find support
- OpenOffice vs. MS Office - adjusting to the differences

- Can I run my Website on Linux?
- How do I setup a basic email system?
- How do I compile a Kernel?
- NDIS Wrappers and closed drivers

- Server security and hardening
- Firewalls and network security
- Advanced Web/Email servers

All papers to be submitted by 31st July 2007 to  
papers.sfd at wepoweryour.net, we will announce speakers, times and  
venues closer to the date as this is still being worked out.



Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Group Co-Ordinator
Thanet Linux User Group
matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
GPG KEY: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFEA1BC16

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