[TynesideLUG] [ping] Intro

Monish monish.ba at displ.nl
Tue Mar 4 17:00:10 UTC 2025

Hello Tyneside LUG,

It's my first post here, I'm Monish. It's been few days I have reached
Newcastle. Currently, I'm observing the city and trying to settle in a
home, hoping the room hunting goes without vain (-_-

I came here for a postgrad research program in newcastle university, 
the field is not  directly related to tech. As for the *nix part,
I run this teeny tiny server on the web, where  the mail server and 
few web services are hosted on.

Back in my home country - India, I wasn't very active on the LUG groups
except their IRC #ilugc. Coming here, I tried to look into communities, 
the one that strikes right away is LUG - that's why I landed here :)

Hope I get to engage myself in upcoming months. 

Have a great day

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