[Watford] Congratulations !!

James Heaver james at heaver.org
Fri Aug 17 08:10:13 BST 2007

Thats fantastic news.

But I have one question - Does she run linux?


On 16/08/07, Cliff Deamer <cliff.g3ndc at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Congratulations Steven and the Lady in your life on the birth of Lauren.
> Remember to take lots of photo's of Mum and baby, you can't have too
> many.
> The years pass so fast and before you know it Lauren will be growing up
> and you can't go back and take the photo's you missed.
> Hope the new job is going well, always a stressful time.
> Cheers   Cliff
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Woops - my hamster walked across the keyboard
Go Nora Go!

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