[Watford] RE: Watford Digest, Vol 41, Issue 1

James Heaver james at heaver.org
Fri Feb 9 12:39:55 GMT 2007

I've never been to a lug before, and have only been using linux for the last
6 months or so.

I'm curious about what to expect, how many people do we get?  What versions
of linux do people use?  How long have people been using linux?

Hi, my name is James and I've been running Kubuntu for about 6 months now.
I started off running Dapper, then upgraded to Edgy as soon as it came out.
That was my first real taste of linux having attempted and failed to install
a *usable* system at various points from Red Hat 6 onwards

I've yet to compile my own kernel, but need to if I want to get kubuntu
running on my notebook.


On 08/02/07, Jonathan Dibble <recruitment at jdibble.com> wrote:
> everyone,
> I look forward to attending and meeting everyone...
> regards,
> JOn.
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