[Watford] SLUG Outage

Yvan Seth watford.lug.org.uk at malignity.net
Sun Aug 9 18:55:50 UTC 2009

On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 01:21:30PM +0100, Toby Deans wrote:
> I need to check Yvan's logs as I think he switched off the light httpd server
> and this may have broken something. But at the moment my bet is on a power
> failure again.

Hm, haven't tried to SSH in since the Thursday evening until just now.  The
SLUG is refusing connections on port 22... which means it is there but,
probably, no SSH daemon is listening.  The main website is still there so so is
the slug of course.  Nobody adjusted the port that SSH was listening on did
they?  I've nmapped it; FTP, HTTP, and netbios (I thought I'd disabled samba)
are listening, as is Telnet (but that rejected any connection attempt.)
Something is still listening on 8080, the Linksys UI port, so I'm not quite
sure what has happened with disabling that.

I disabled the thttpd that runs the SLUG/Linksys admin UI.  It seems unlikely
this should affect SSH though (then again, I've seen Linksys do stranger things
on their mucked about Linux systems.)  The main reason for taking the Linksys
UI off the public Internet is that they're notoriously full of holes, many
Linksys devices have root holes via their web UIs (this how I can get a root
shell on my own Linksys router.)


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