[Watford] Books and login and stuff

David Pead davesignup at pead.myzen.co.uk
Sat Aug 22 12:13:37 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Got my book last week from Apress, as well as a few more due next  
week (including "Beginning Android" Steve ;) ).
Therefore, want to flex my newfound Sys Ad muscles (ahem) by breaking  
the SLUG.
"Let me in, let me in, or I'll huff and I'll puff" and get my  
knickers in a twist... Toby ...come on, it only gets interesting if  
someone breaks it or breaks into it. Alains on the case with the  
rsync's anyhoo? :D
I take it no more activity from China then?

Also, as Alain suggested a while back, might be nice to have a book  
review section on the SLUG. Good idea, I'll champion that if no-one  
else will. Thought I might champion a Linux Newbie section too? On  
the forum, it's own little blog or via the CMS?
Will getting an account give us each a little public_html directory  
too? Seeing as I'm a wannabe web dev (as perhaps others are) would be  
good to see what we could all come up with in our www.watfordlug.org/ 
~user sites? A way of personalising a member's section perhaps as was  
mentioned at the last meet and has been previously?

Trust all are well, I'm just back from a nice break in the Peak  
District, lovely.


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