[Westwales] Duplicating a Linux disc

Andrew Rawlins westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Oct 17 15:45:01 2002

Hi Adrian,

I 'cloned' the new mail servers, by adding disks to the one master and using 
dd (dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4096k) ... These disks were identical, and 
so when the dd had finished, mounting the newly copied disks and editing 
systems specific files was all that was needed to produce a bootable clone!

Your new disk is smaller though, it *may* work but any data you have past the 
end of the disk would be lost ...  What about a back to back tar from the old 
disk to the new disk, and then booting from a rescue cd and running lilo?


Andrew, patting his new Seagate disk and tape drive after his Fujitsu disk 
died the other week.

Andrew Rawlins,
Systems Support - Information Services
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
(01970) 62 2543