[Westwales] Mplayer for GNOME2 - Lumiere 0.2 released

Stephane Konstantaropoulos (el greco) westwales at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Jan 11 13:48:00 2003


I released Lumiere 0.2, The GNOMEification of mplayer (for GNOME 2)

It is now usable, keeps aspect ratio of movie, goes fullscreen...
It works fine inside nautilus2 too, better with the stable nautilus than
with the devel (2.1.5)

Tested with mandrake cooker and mandrake 9.0

A few issues still make it crash some times...

The autoconf / automake scripts now detect things better and the install
is portable.

Install in your GNOME2 prefix.

Leech from http://brain.shacknet.nu/lumiere.html

   _ _ _
  / \ \ \
 / / \ \ \          (el greco)
 \/_ | S  \   Muy Mano,
  | \/    /         Muy Presa.
   \_  K /  http://users.aber.ac.uk/ssk01
      \  \