[Westwales] WWLUG IRC Channel

Jonathan West jon at jtn.uklinux.net
Wed Apr 21 18:57:03 BST 2004

On Thu, 15 Apr 2004, Bryn Salisbury wrote:

> Evening,
> I've created an IRC Channel for the West Wales LUG - it can be found on
> irc.freenode.net - the channel is called #wwlug
> If you've never used IRC before (and are interested to see what all the
> fuss is about) then have a read of the following:
> 	http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/faq.html
> For a list of various IRC FAQs
> At the moment, it's just me in the channel - so things will be rather
> quiet... If you have trouble getting onto the channel, then drop me an
> e-mail and I'll try to help you out.
> Cheers,
> Bryn

 This is mainly for Matt ( I think it was ). I had some time to spare so
searched google for "web based irc" which resulted a whole load of sites
you can go to and get free access to irc channels.  Took all of 30secs.
You should be able to get through your firewall with one of these.

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