[Westwales] Re:Dual Boot

Robert Savage bobsavage at uklinux.net
Fri Aug 6 08:13:04 BST 2004

Hi All,

Thank you all for your advice I have now got around to re-visiting the 
problem, and can happily say it is solved.

It was down to the partitioning bug as suggested by Telsa, I down loaded the 
info from http://lwn.net/Articles/86835 and followed the instructions.  I had 
to refer to the "Recovery" section and use sfdisk (that was new to me I 
didn't know about it, I really must take more notice).  Having then told grub 
where the Mandrake installation was I could then dual boot.

Thanks Telsa for that very useful info.

Colin, pardon my further ignorance but what are GPT partitions?
I can't easily paste the partition table in here 'cos this exercise is 
happening on another machine and I have yet to fathom the intricacies of 
linux networking :-)  

Many thanks for all your help,

(seeking a stress free life without Windows )

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