[Westwales] Shwmae pawb / Hello everyone

Huw Evans huw at abersoundproductions.ltd.uk
Fri Mar 26 17:06:27 GMT 2004

I'm still reeling from the shock.... not only did I find a Linux mag in
WHSmith the other day, but in the Lug list in the back of it I found
there was a group in Aber!  I've only been using Linux for a few months
and it's great to know that there's some people I can hassle locally :-)
I use computers at work for administration, web design, multi-track
sound recording and a bit of video editing.  I've made the transistion
to Linux for the administrative side of things but the rest of it is a
long way off, it's going to be a long hard struggle to make this place
an M$-free zone...


Cynhyrchiadau Sain Aber Cyf / Aber Sound Productions Ltd
Ystwyth Works, Llanfarian, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4NN.


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