[Westwales] Cheap LaserJets under Linux

Illtud Daniel illtud.daniel at llgc.org.uk
Mon May 17 10:14:31 BST 2004

John Bailey wrote:

> Just to throw another possibility in to the mix - I got a cheap (£30
> including a part-used toner) HP LaserJet with a JetDirect ethernet
> interface off EBay.  Understands PostScript so compatibility's not an
> issue.

Me too, although mine was £120 for a LJ4000. The HP 4[k] series are
tanks, and I expect mine (and the toner cart it came with) to last
me at least until they introduce a sub £200 colour laser that's not
going to fall apart after a year or so. I've been disappointed with
HP's laser printer quality recently - they seem to be slipping down
to the level of the inkjet market, ie poor build quality and a
limited lifetime. Same direction as most of the consumer goods market,
I guess...

Illtud Daniel                                 illtud.daniel at llgc.org.uk
Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau                       Senior Systems Analyst
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru                  National Library of Wales
Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC   -  Speaking personally, not for NLW

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