[Westwales] Patrick J. Volkerding needs our help.

Alexandros I. Giagkos pumpkin at dreamers.gr
Wed Nov 17 13:47:31 GMT 2004

Hello list,

> Hi Alexandros. I don't believe I've seen you at any of the meets. WIll
> you be coming to Curry Wars 3?

Yep, I've never been in a wwlug meeting yet. I'll browse the list's archive
for Curry Wars 3 meeting details and I'll probably be there.

> Regarding Pat V. I think he needs medical help, not the help of a Linux
> User Group. He also seems a little self important spamming the world
> with his medical problem when there are other much worse atrocities in
> the world. I wish him all the best in his recovery but does he intend to
> spam the entire internet with this plee?

That's the point, he's asking the opinion of anybody that knows something
about his health problem. I personally cannot consider this e-mail as a
spam as the recipient is a GNU/Linux User Group.

I'd like to apologise anyway, I'm using Slackware GNU/Linux since 1995 and
that news made me very unhappy.

Best regards,

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