[Westwales] ISDN Providers

Wil Stephens wil at fbagroup.co.uk
Tue Sep 14 16:44:17 BST 2004

Depends on where in Aberystwyth you'll be living. I've been with Demon 
for the past two years on their 500k service and I'm happy enough with 
them. They're unlimited and do no port blocking and have a fairly 
reasonable uptime.

If you know the address, or even better, phone number, you can run it 
through a few websites to get the low-down. Try 
http://www.adslguide.org.uk for starters.


On 14 Sep 2004, at 16:33, mwb3 at aber.ac.uk wrote:

> Did somebody say that Aber was capable of up to 2Mb connections?
> What ISP providers should I go for? My house next year would like
> broadband, and as the resident compsci it's delegated as my
> responsibility!
> NTL and AOL seem to think that Aberystwyth is not connectable, at least
> not to their services. I haven't tried BT, simply because theirs seems 
> to
> be a 15Gig download-limited service, and I may want to download isos!
> Are there any ISPs that offer unlimited services in aber, or am I stuck
> with BT?
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