[Westwales] Debian and firewire drives

Jon Pearse jon at jonpearse.net
Fri Apr 22 20:42:43 BST 2005

   The CDs I'm using have an option to choose between 2.2 and 2.4 at 
boot time, and will only successfully boot from 2.4. I don't know linux 
well enough to know whether 2.4 supports firewire at install time.

   As for booting off the firewire - according to posts on a couple of 
various mailing lists I found while I was trying to sort my problem 
out, it's doable via yaboot (a bootloader). As I used bootX while I 
experimented with YellowDog a few years back, this is no problem for me 


On Apr 22, 2005, at 18:16, Colin Sauze wrote:

> I think you'll find that the debian installer is based on kernel 
> version 2.2 which is rather old, so its probably not going to support 
> firewire devices during installation. You might well be able to get 
> debian running off a newer kernel having installed it on a hard disk 
> and then move it to the firewire drive. You might also find that some 
> other linux distributions are based on newer kernels and can support 
> firewire at install time.
> Even still i'm not sure you will be able to boot off firewire without 
> something to start off the boot process running from your internal 
> drive, cdrom or over the network. Perhaps someone with more experience 
> on Macs can answer that one.
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