[Westwales] Books

Gareth Bowker tgb at tgb.org.uk
Tue Feb 8 10:16:51 GMT 2005

I have the following books available for anyone who wants them, 
first-come, first-served.

Red Hat RPM Guide by Eric Foster-Johnson
   ISBN 0-7645-4965-0

Robot Building for Dummies by Roger Arrick
   ISBN 0-7645-4069-6

Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux 8 in 24 Hours by Aron Hsiao
   ISBN 0-672-32475-X

Eclipse 3.0 Kick Start by Carlos Valcarcel
   ISBN 0-672-32610-8

Free to a good home.


I'll be in Aberystwyth for a couple of days from later today, so I can 
bring them up there for WWLUG members, I can drop them off at next 
week's SWLUG in Cardiff, or they can be collected from Swansea next week.

Please mail me off-list(s) if interested.



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