[Westwales] Fwd: [Lbw] LBW 2005

Dan Field dof at nuclear-dawn.com
Tue Jan 18 13:59:46 GMT 2005

On 18 Jan 2005, at 13:52, Katherine Goodwin wrote:
>> This sounds excellent.  I'd really like to organise for us to go as a
>> surprise for David, as I know he'd love to go.
> Of course it won't be much of a surprise now as the David in question 
> is
> subscribed to this list!

Heheh, I did wonder :)

Yup, I'm planning on taking the dog I guess. Don't see it being a real 
Minibus hire could well be an option if the numbers and money is right. 
Don't go booking anywhere to stay yet as it is possible that the 
location could change (to another scottish village).

Can I get an idea of interested numbers ?

Dan Field <dof at llgc.org.uk> - Support Programmer: Cymru ar y we
cy_GB: http://www.cymruarywe.org
en_GB: http://www.walesontheweb.org

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